Posted on 2/9/2021

If you suddenly notice that your vehicle's gas mileage is dipping, it is time to do something about it. When your car starts to work harder, you will notice its performance falling off noticeably. While many factors can lead to this, you might want to first look at your fuel injectors. They could be dirty and in need of a serious cleaning. Why Are Fuel Injectors Important? The fuel injectors in your vehicle are part of an interconnected system. They work together with your fuel filter and pump in order to deliver the gas that your engine needs to work correctly. It will spray the right amount of fuel into your vehicle's intake system at the appropriate time. This must take place at a specific angle for the process to work correctly. Fuel injectors help to create a perfect mix of air and fuel. Without this, the engine will not get the proper amount of clean fuel that it needs to work efficiently. This is when you will start to notice the performance dropping off, which will e ... read more