Posted on 5/31/2017
There are a number of things you do in your life in order to prevent other things from happening. You floss your teeth to prevent gum disease. You wash the dishes to prevent a big pile up in the sink. You get preventative maintenance done on your vehicle so you can avoid a breakdown or major repair later. Some of these items you are probably better at keeping up with than others and sometimes auto service in Bethesda, MD falls to the bottom of your to-do list. Let’s look at preventative maintenance a little closer and see if we can get auto service back up on your list. What is Preventative Maintenance? There are many ways to define auto service in terms of preventative maintenance. Basically, this maintenance is servicing your vehicle for the purpose of maintaining the various equipment within the vehicle. Some of the auto service items are simply like systematic inspections. These inspections lead to ear ... read more
Posted on 5/29/2017
A lot of car owners have dealt with auto service issues so crazy you'd swear they tore a page out of a reality show handbook: Tools left under the hood! Mechanics that aren't certified or trained! Shop owners that improvise as they go with often disastrous results! The shame of it all! The list goes on and on. Relax, there IS reliable auto service to be found in Chevy Chase, MD…but you have to look for it. And while you're looking, it behooves you to wear the hat of a discerning and educated consumer who takes names and asks questions. Jingle-Jangle in Your Pocket Don’t set yourself up as an easy mark. Ignoring your car’s vital signs can be a financial drain on your wallet in the long run. Proper automobile management translates into long-term savings for you. That’s not to say that every Chevy Chase, MD auto service wants you to bring your vehicle in for a checkup, because they do! Hey, the competitio ... read more
Posted on 5/27/2017
No one wants to need brake repair, but it happens. In order to show you the importance of prompt brake repair, let’s play a little ‘Would you Rather’ game. Before we get started, keep in mind that Auto Clinic Care is here to help you with any of your brake repair needs in Chevy Chase, MD. Would you rather… Have your brakes fail OR be notified sooner that they were in need of repair? There’s no question that no driver wants their brakes to fail while they are driving, especially at a high speed. It’s downright dangerous to have brakes go out while you are on the road. If you see any signs of brake failure, please bring your vehicle to us immediately. It is a good idea to come to use for regular maintenance items, like oil changes. At that time, we’ll check on your brakes and if you need brake repair, we’ll let you know. That way, you won’t have to worry about brake failure at all ... read more
Posted on 5/22/2017
If you’ve ever gone out on a blind date, you know that more often than not you’re setting yourself up for failure. With little or no background information on the person-in-question, you can't help but find yourself stumbling along and wishing the evening would just go away. Far, far away. Finding a reliable auto repair shop is a lot like going out on a blind date. If you don’t do your research and blindly pull your automobile into the garage, who knows how things will turn out. In Chevy Chase, MD, like a lot of other cities in the area, it can be a challenge finding an auto repair shop that suits your needs and your budget. When it comes to your vehicle, selecting the right auto repair shop is one date you want to make sure turns out okay! The process doesn’t have to be rocket science. With a little common sense and legwork, both you and your auto repair shop could enjoy the beginning of a beautiful relationship. G ... read more
Posted on 5/19/2017
You may refer to it differently, but there will come a time when your brakes will start whining. At first it might not be noticeable. You slow down approaching a stop light or intersection and there it is…a high pitched whine that lasts as long as your foot is pressing the brake pedal. You might think you accidently ran over a cat, but it’s your brakes trying to tell you something. Human nature being what it is, when you let your foot off the brakes and the whining stops, you ignore it. Bad move!! Stop Whining Already You won’t be the first person to ignore whiny brakes. Typically, this is a sure sign of worn out brake pads. In layman’s terms, the brake pads press against the inside of the wheel and slow down or stop the vehicle. Brake pads are a not overly-complicated component of your car and makes for an easy brake repair in Rockville, MD. There are many so-called “profess ... read more
Posted on 5/15/2017
Ever pull into an auto repair shop and notice it looks like a cyclone whipped through it? And the mechanics wear their extreme dis-organization like it’s a badge of honor. Like they are soooo busy there isn’t even any time to maintain a minimum sense of order. Come on! In and around Rockville, MD you’ll find auto repair shops that look just like that and it turns you away every time. Here’s a hint: if you need an auto repair shop in Rockville, MD, go with one that looks organized, treats its customers fairly and with respect, and above all else, does quality work! Seek and Ye Shall Find There’s nothing worse than needing an auto repair shop and not knowing where to go or who to talk to. The wrong time to search for a mechanic isn’t when your car won’t start and you needed the repairs done yesterday! The smart approach is to do your due diligence ahead of time. That means checking around, talking with friends, and making some visits. It is wise ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2017
Imagine you pull your automobile into a repair shop you know nothing about. It’s raining and you’re going to be late at work. You’re in a crunch and in need of quality auto service. What you get on this occasion is like something out of you worst Rockville, MD nightmare…no explanation from the mechanic about what might be wrong with your car. No offer for a ride home. No estimate on repairs. Oh, if only you’d have done a bit of legwork before hand! But now it’s too late. The Worst Decisions Car repair is made-to-order for melodrama because so many car owners get caught short by their own lack of preparation. Remember, the worst decisions are those made in a hurry (or under stress). The best time to find professional auto service is before you actually need it so when the time arises to use it, you are well prepared. When it comes to auto repair, your auto service shouldn’t just be service with a smile, it should be ... read more
Posted on 5/8/2017
It only makes sense to take care of and maintain your automobile while tooling around Gaithersburg, MD because it’s your vehicle. You want to feel safe while driving and you want to be safe around others in or near your car. But there are other tangible benefits to keeping your car in tip-top shape that impact both you and the environment. You and the World Around You For starters, proper automobile management translates into long-term savings for you. For sure any Gaithersburg, MD auto repair shop wants you to bring your vehicle in for a checkup, but not every couple of weeks because basic upkeep is being ignored and your vehicle is taking a beating. Basic maintenance items are in place for a reason. Stick to them and you will have less unpredictable visits. Speaking of maintenance, doing the basics, like using the proper grade of gasoline and oil, helps protect the environment and the air we breathe because the proper emissions ... read more
Posted on 5/5/2017
You don’t have to be a superhero to know that “With great power comes great responsibility.” In this case, the “great power” comes from the car you’re driving! It doesn’t matter if it’s a new vehicle fresh off the lot or a used car with a lot of miles under the hood. Any car on the road is a powerful instrument. And you as the owner/operator must be responsible when you drive and equally responsible in the vehicle’s upkeep. Keeping your car running smoothly in Gaithersburg, MD involves more than just tipping off the tank and cleaning the windshield. Regular maintenance IS a responsibility and you don’t have to be a mechanic. There are basic tenants of auto care you can do yourself. And if you’re not up for the job, there are trained and certified mechanics at a Gaithersburg, MD auto repair shop near you who are anxious to help you. Preventive Maintenance is an Investment Regularly maintaining your vehicle isn’t just acting respon ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2017
There are, unfortunately, plenty of car owners in Kensington, MD who prescribe to the “Out of sight, Out of mind” philosophy to owning an automobile. These are the folks who assume that their car will take care of it itself and blissfully ignore any of the sights and/or sounds that alert them to trouble. Engine knocking? Ignore it! Smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe? Didn’t see a thing! Tires under-inflated? It adds character to the vehicle! And so it goes until the vehicle stops dead in its tracks or is pulled over for any number of violations that point to the vehicle being unsafe for you and those around you. Two Quarts of Oil and Call Me in the Morning Taking life as it comes is okay for some things, but your automobile is not one of them! It’s a fact that when basic vehicle maintenance is ignored, the impact is ugly (not to mention expensive). There’s a lot of truth in the correlation between a Kensington, MD auto repair s ... read more