When you buy a vehicle, you know the purchase price on the vehicle is not the last dollar you will ever spend on it. You will have to put gas in the car. You will have to get oil changes. And you will have to pay for other repairs and services from time to time. The best thing you can do is choose an auto service you can trust. That way, whenever you need anything, you are prepared. Here are a few reasons to find a shop you appreciate and stick with it. 1. Auto Service Shops Love Loyalty You should get the service you deserve any time you visit any shop. But face it, auto service shops love loyalty. They get to know you, your family, and your vehicle. While it’s always nice to get personalized customer service, more importantly, it gives the mechanics at the auto service shop a chance to know your vehicle. They will know its history and any repairs and maintenance that have been done in the past. Loyalty is wonderful for them, but it’s even better for the life of your vehicle. 2. You Can Trust the Repairs When you find a shop that you visit again and again, you start to learn to trust their services and repairs. You know they can do the work you need on your vehicle because they’ve done it before. You trust their opinions and you know they won’t try to pull one over on you. The repairs they recommend are things you really need. 3. It’s Convenient There’s no way you want to spend more time messing with your vehicle than necessary. When you choose a reputable
auto repair shop in Kensington, MD, you are saving yourself time and effort every time you need auto service. Instead of searching around to find a shop, you call the shop that is already programmed into your phone. Make an appointment and you can be in and out in no time! 4. Save Money When you visit the same shop again and again, you can actually save money. By being a loyal customer, you know about the special deals that the shop might be running. There might even be programs that they throw in from time to time just because of your loyalty. Visiting one shop here and another shop there will end up costing you more in the long run. Now that you know why it’s a good idea to choose one auto service shop, you then have to decide what shop! Auto Clinic Care has been in business since 1994. We’re a family owned and operated shop that will treat you like a friend or family member, not just another customer. We never try to talk you into anything and instead, take care of your car as if it were our own. Call us today to set up an appointment for your vehicle. Or, stop in and see us at 5531 Nicholson Lane Ste A, Rockville, MD 20852.