If you’ve ever gone out on a blind date, you know that more often than not you’re setting yourself up for failure. With little or no background information on the person-in-question, you can't help but find yourself stumbling along and wishing the evening would just go away. Far, far away. Finding a reliable auto repair shop is a lot like going out on a blind date. If you don’t do your research and blindly pull your automobile into the garage, who knows how things will turn out. In Chevy Chase, MD, like a lot of other cities in the area, it can be a challenge finding an auto repair shop that suits your needs and your budget. When it comes to your vehicle, selecting the right auto repair shop is one date you want to make sure turns out okay! The process doesn’t have to be rocket science. With a little common sense and legwork, both you and your auto repair shop could enjoy the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Getting Behind the Wheel There's something to be said for “test-driving” your auto repair shop. Take the time to go in and speak to the shop owner or head mechanic. You can try and explain the problem your vehicle is having and likewise, the mechanic can hypothesize how to fix it. But unless auto repair shop is committed to examining your vehicle and giving it a spin, there really is no way to accurately diagnose vehicle's problems. In fact, a lot of mechanics who claim to be looking out for your best interests will try to give you an estimate over the phone sight-unseen. Up-to-date Another way to ensure your auto repair shop is giving you the best service is to ensure that the mechanics are servicing themselves. That means staying up-to-date on training and automotive technology, including diagnostic equipment and tools. Find an auto repair shop in Chevy Chase, MD with ASE-Certified Technicians and up to date equipment and you'll almost always drive away a satisfied customer in a vehicle that runs well. Don't get caught on a blind date with your vehicle and an auto repair shop. Maintenance and upkeep on your part will ensure that any problems you encounter will remain small ones. Service That Really Counts When it comes to choosing a
Chevy Chase, MD auto repair shop, the smart choice is Auto Clinic Care. Let us earn your business and prove to you why we proudly hold an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. You'll be served by the best and you'll see we're proud to assist with all your auto repair and maintenance needs. Auto Clinic Care proudly serves Chevy Chase, MD and the surrounding area. Auto Clinic Care is located at 5531 Nicholson Ln Ste A, Rockville, MD 20852. ACC's business hours are Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm. Give us a call today (301) 881-7891 or shoot us an email. Auto Clinic Care: it’s our business to keep your automobile on the road!