Every car and every battery experience wear and tear differently, even if they're the same make and model. Your daily driver parked in the garage offers far better preservation for your battery than one parked out in the sun that hasn't moved in months. So when is it time for a new battery? Here are some things to consider and evaluate the next time you go for a drive.
Poor Performance
While a vehicle's performance involves hundreds of moving parts all working in tandem, there are red flags specific to batteries you should know. Not all of them will warrant a new battery, but they will mean it's time to get your battery properly tested.
One of the more frustrating signs is having trouble getting the engine to turn over quickly and consistently. It's no fun having to track down a friend or neighbor to come jump-start your vehicle first thing in the morning.
Not so obvious is how well your headlights and and dash lights perform. If you tend to only drive during the day, take a minute to step out at night and check your headlights for any dimming as well as internal areas such as the dashboard. If you notice they aren't as bright as they once were, or they seem to be fading in and out, your battery could be struggling to keep up.
Test Before Replacing
At the beginning we talked about how environmental factors can impact battery lifespan. That being said, a dead battery from the junk car around back isn't always too far gone to be saved. Batteries will naturally discharge themselves over time as they rely on the engine running to full recharge them.
If getting the car to start isn't an option, then an external battery charger can be used to pump the juice back in and get some more power out of your battery. A salvageable battery will keep the charge and go back to normal.
If you aren't sure where your battery stands, bring it in to our auto repair shop today for a quick test and personal recommendation.